School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan
at Church Drive Primary School

The following are the main school improvement priorities for 2022-2023:

Quality of Education

  • Continue to evaluate the curriculum so that it meets the needs of all pupils across the whole National Curriculum subject range

  • To develop curriculum leadership by establishing a baseline and position statement for all subjects, where pedagogy is clear and their expectations are age and stage appropriate

  • Ensure that assessment is accurate and teachers use it effectively to meet the needs of all pupils in all subjects

  • To secure reading as the foundation for learning, progress and development across all curriculum areas

  • To ensure the approaches to teaching writing across school are consistent, embedded and effective

  • To insist that vocabulary remains prominent across school in all subject areas and is used effectively by everyone

Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Review the behaviour management policy and ensure that it is understood and consistently applied across school

  • Reduce Persistent Absence/ensure a proactive approach for targeting attendance for identified pupils

  • Revise the absence management procedures following the implementation of a new system

Personal Development

  • Provide a clear and broad structure for extra-curricular opportunities and for experiential learning opportunities within the curriculum

  • Implement a more effective structure for the teaching of British Values and the development of SMSC

  • To continue to enhance the RSE curriculum with the optional content that reflects local and wider themes

  • Develop a culture and provision that promotes positive wellbeing and is responsive to the SEMH needs of the children, their families and our staff

Leadership and Management

  • To build capacity and accountability within the leadership structure to ensure high expectations of all pupils in the school, making effective use of opportunities to model and team teach

  • To focus on improving teachers’ subject and pedagogical knowledge in order to ensure effective delivery of the curriculum- continuing to embed the skill of retrieval

  • To rigorously monitor teaching and learning to ensure consistency in the implementation of the curriculum


  • To ensure that all staff have high expectations and understand how young children learn and thrive in a multi-sensory environment indoor and outdoors

  • To ensure that all staff are consistent in their delivery of sharply focused activities and sequences of learning opportunities so as to ensure good levels of progress from individual starting points

  • Improve outcomes in GLD with added focus on Communication and Language, Personal Social Emotional Development and Physical Development, which especially have a low starting point on entry in Nursery.